We created some brochures to practise our persuasive writing. Here are some samples of our great work!
Today, we went to the astro pitch to play games with 1st & 2nd classes. We had a "birthday line up", ball relay and we played lots of other games together. We are looking forward to our next buddy day together!
We celebrated World Book Day by reading to the younger pupils in 1st & 2nd classes. We dressed up as book characters and we took part in a World Book Day quiz.
The girls from sixth class took part in the Marion Keane Basketball Tournament in Gurteen today. They played against Knockanean, Barefield and Gaelscoil and the girls showed great determination in all of their matches. Well done girls!
Fifth & sixth classes enjoyed lots of fun activities during Friendship Week. They went on a buddy walk around the village with the younger classes. They also took part in team building & cooperative games at the astro pitch.
Fifth & sixth classes completed a block of French lessons over the past few weeks with Rona. Rona treated them to crepes as a reward for all their great work!
Fifth & Sixth classes have been creating some beautiful works of art based on the theme of winter. The used a variety of painting techniques to create these lovely pictures.
May 2024
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